336 Results for:

April 9, 2018

North Korea
U.S.-North Korea Relations: Any Progress on Nonproliferation Efforts?

Mike Mullen and Victor Cha discuss the status of U.S.-North Korea relations, nuclear security, and non-proliferation one and a half year's after the task force report was released. 

Play North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

April 29, 2009

Financial Markets
Why were arguments against taking on risk discounted heavily during the boom?

Barry Eichengreen writes exceptionally well: "THE GREAT Credit Crisis has cast into doubt much of what we thought we knew about economics. We thought that monetary policy had tamed the business cycl…

February 22, 2006

United States
Shrinking dark matter watch

Or maybe shifting dark matter watch. Via Barry Ritholtz comes news that increasing US investment (according to Mandel) in one key intangible asset - US brands - may be yielding diminishing returns.  …

June 14, 2007

Is U.S. Troop Morale Slipping?

Despite eroding public support for the Iraq war, troop morale remains high. Experts warn that could change as U.S. forces get further bogged down in Iraq.

February 22, 2007

Wars and Conflict
The ’Coalition of the Willing’

Backgrounder: The latest U.S. surge coincides with a drawdown of British forces. The dwindling coalition may hinder U.S. efforts to secure Iraq.