336 Results for:

October 23, 2007

Emerging Markets
Emerging economies accomplish something beyond the reach of the G-7

The FT notes, in today’s leader, that the G-7 hasn’t been able to agree on the massive, co-ordinated intervention needed up hold the dollar up against the euro. The euro, and commodity currencies suc…

February 6, 2008

United States
Mead: Some Historical Analogies to the 2008 Election

Walter Russell Mead, an award-winning historian, discusses the importance of national security credentials and religion in the presidential nominating contests.

August 17, 2007

Financial Markets
Conduits, SIVs, cash-hoarding, commercial paper restructuring and such

Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism is right – If Gillian Tett of the FT disappeared, we would be in a whole lot of trouble. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of central bankers rely on her reporting to…

November 10, 2008

Fossil Fuels
Non-OPEC Oil Production

Non-OPEC oil producers, which turn out most of the world’s oil, are operating near capacity.

January 7, 2007

Monetary Policy
Dollar and euros — not dollars or euros. And more dollars than euros in 2006

I have every incentive in the world to find evidence that central banks have diversified away from the dollar.   I like being right as much as the next guy.   Back in early 2005, Nouriel and I -- bui…
