336 Results for:

February 13, 2018

United States
Walking Away From World Order: Weighing Trump’s First Year of Foreign Policy

“Nobody really knew what to expect when Donald Trump became U.S. president. Would he disrupt the status quo or maintain it? Blow himself up or escape unscathed? One year in, the answer is yes,” write…

FA MA 2018 Cover

May 9, 2012

United States
A Primer on Military Force

As I’ve written previously, policymakers and pundits have some pretty silly proposals for the use of military force. Whether it’s President Clinton,“[It would] scare the shit out of al Qaeda if sudde…

Army tanks

May 7, 2019

International Law
Four Challenges for International Law and Cyberspace: Sartre, Baby Carriages, Horses, and Simon & Garfunkel Part 2

For years states and scholars have struggled with questions of when and how international law applies to cyberspace. The final post in the two-part series will provide imagery to help grapple with th…

Members of the United Nations Security Council at the United Nations headquarters in New York, U.S., February 24, 2018.

September 18, 2003

United States
Public Diplomacy Steps Taken Since 9/11 Not Enough; Council Task Force Urges the Bush Administration to Counter America’s Deteriorating Image as Anger at U.S. Deepens Post-Iraq War

September 18, 2003 - World opinion of the United States and U.S. policy has plummeted in the wake of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. The resulting widespread anger, fear, and mistrust, warns the Council-s…

July 9, 2021

Five Movies Worth Watching About UFOs

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films about UFOs and aliens.

Movie posters in black frames. From left: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (a UFO shines a beams light onto a dark road); The Day the Earth Stood Still (a robot shoots a laser toward the U.S. Capitol Building as a woman screams); and District 9 (a sign in the foreground reads, "No Humans Allowed," as a spaceship hovers over a slum in the background).