138 Results for:

December 2, 2009

Assessing the Afghan Surge

In his address to the nation on Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama laid out a strategy he says will turn the tides in the faltering Afghan war effort. Five experts analyze his approach.

June 9, 2008

Congresses and Parliaments
A Conversation with Jim Webb

Watch Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) discuss major issues in U.S. domestic and foreign policy.


August 2, 2007

Burns on Bringing India in from the Cold, and Isolating Iran

The State Department’s third-ranking official says the U.S.-India nuclear deal and efforts to freeze Iran’s nuclear program are advancing the cause of nonproliferation.

October 2, 2008

Political Situation in Iraq is ’A House of Cards’

Marc Lynch, an expert on Iraqi politics, says that despite security gains in Iraq, the political situation remains unsettled, suggesting progress might be ephemeral.  

October 16, 2007

Gelb: Federalism Is Most Promising Way to End Civil War in Iraq

Former CFR President Leslie H. Gelb says the plan to persuade Iraqis to accept a federal form of government is the best way to “maintain harmony among the different Iraqi groups,” although it remains…