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October 29, 2015

United States
U.S. Must Invest in Scientific Research to Keep Innovation Edge, According to New CFR Report

Although the United States leads the world in technology innovation, it may fall behind if the government does not address emerging gaps in innovation policy and invest more in scientific research, a…

October 19, 2015

Technology and Innovation
Keeping the Edge: U.S. Innovation

The United States leads the world in combining innovation quality and quantity, but the challenges are growing, particularly when it comes to scientific research. Addressing gaps in U.S. innovation policy could help ensure that the United States remains the leading innovation center for decades to come.


January 21, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
CFR Interview: “Will Tunisia Inspire More Popular Uprisings?”

The CFR web site contains an interview of me yesterday by CFR’s Bernard Gwertzman on the impact on the broader Middle East and North Africa of the political changes that continue to unfold in Tunisia…

February 28, 2003

Kupchan Predicts Widening Split in Western Alliance, Foresees France Veto in Security Council to Block U.S.

Charles Kupchan, the Council on Foreign Relations’ director of Europe Studies, says the divisions over Iraq that have split the Western alliance will only deepen. He says that if the United Sta…

January 17, 2017

International Organizations
Global Agenda: The Roots of Trump’s Trade Rage

This blog post is part of a series entitled Global Agenda, in which experts will identify major global challenges facing President-Elect Trump, the options available to him, and what is at stake for …
