2,579 Results for:

November 17, 2005

Daalder: Withdrawal Timetable From Iraq Not Useful, but Iraqis Must Be Told They Have to ‘Step Up’ Politically and Militarily in 2006

Ivo H. Daalder, a senior fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, says the recent compromise approved in the Senate on Iraq is a "message" to President Bush that says, in effect…

November 30, 2016

United States
U.S. Trade Policy: Why the Consensus Broke Down

Council on Foreign Relations 11/30/16 Academic Conference Call on U.S. Trade Policy: Why the Consensus Broke Down with Edward Alden


November 7, 2007

Immigration and Migration
CFR interview on Mexico's Merida Initiative

Here is a recent interview I conducted with Bernard Gwertzman at the Council on Foreign Relations: Interview November 6, 2007

April 9, 2004

Chalabi Says Ayatollah Sistani Is the Key To Stopping the Surge of Violence in Iraq

Ahmad Chalabi, head of the U.S.-backed Iraqi National Congress and a member of the Iraqi Governing Council, says the council is working behind the scenes to stop the recent clashes between insurgents…