2,579 Results for:

December 4, 2002

Saudi Arabia
Saudis in ‘Dramatic Debate’ Over U.S. Relations, Says Council’s Middle East Studies Fellow Youssef Ibrahim

Youssef Ibrahim, a Council senior fellow in Middle East Studies, argues that since 9/11, Saudi Arabia is undergoing a “dramatic debate” about its relationship with America—the m…

November 27, 2002

Iraq Inspections Have a 50-50 Chance of Averting War, Says Council’s Middle East Fellow Richard Murphy

Richard Murphy, the Council’s Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow in Middle East studies, puts the chances that Saddam Hussein will comply with renewed U.N. weapons inspections— and thereby av…

November 8, 2002

International Organizations
Iraqi Resolution Is ’Enormously Important,’ Says U.N. Expert Richard Gardner

Richard N. Gardner, an expert on the United Nations and a Columbia Law School professor, says that the U.N. Security Council resolution on Iraq, which was approved 15-0 on November 8, is “enormously …

November 10, 2005

Takeyh: Iran’s New President ‘Largely Indifferent’ to What Outside World Thinks

Ray Takeyh, the Council’s top expert on Iranian politics, says the new president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is "largely indifferent to the opinion of the international community and its perception…

September 29, 2005

Elections and Voting
Kupchan: Impasse in German Politics Reflects ‘Political Crisis’ Paralyzing Europe

Charles A. Kupchan, the Council’s director of European Studies, says the current political impasse in Germany between the Social Democrats and the Christian Democrats over who should head the next go…