2,579 Results for:

January 29, 2013

Immigration and Migration
Immigration Reform: Three Things to Know

As renewed bipartisan efforts to reform U.S. immigration policy get under way, CFR’s Edward Alden gives three reasons why the time for reform may finally be at hand.

July 14, 2005

North Korea
Heginbotham: New North Korea Talks Look ‘Fairly Promising’

Eric Heginbotham, the Council’s top expert on North Korea, says a number of recent events, including North Korea’s decision to end its boycott of the six-party talks on its nuclear ambitions, indicat…

July 20, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Negotiating With a Troubled Iran

Mark Fitzpatrick, a nonproliferation policy expert on Iran, says the chance exists that in the aftermath of Iran’s disputed presidential election, a "new need for legitimacy could make it more willin…

October 20, 2016

Failure to Adjust

A history of the last four decades of U.S. trade policies and a blueprint for how to keep the United States competitive in a globalized economy.

February 4, 2019

United States
The National and Economic Security Imperative of Helping More Americans Adapt and Thrive

By Penny Pritzker, chairman and founder of PSP Partners; and Edward Alden, Bernard L. Schwartz senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. (Note the following excerpt is from a chapter writ…

Production Factory Robots