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November 14, 2003

Haass: U.S. Should Press for ’Interim’ Political Solution in Iraq Without Waiting for Elections or Constitution

Richard N. Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations and a former senior State Department official, welcomes President Bush’s call for bringing democracy to the Middle East, but warns …

November 10, 2003

Middle East and North Africa
Mideast Expert Brumberg: Bush Mistakes Arab ’Autocracies’ for Soviet ’Totalitarianism’

Daniel Brumberg, an associate professor at Georgetown University and a specialist on democracy in the Middle East, says that President Bush’s speech on the importance of democratizing the Arab …

August 14, 2003

Crocker: ’’Everybody Except Us Understands that Liberia Is an American Responsibility’’

Chester A. Crocker, a pre-eminent U.S. expert on Africa and a professor of strategic studies at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, says that the “debate raging within the a…

June 12, 2003

Council Expert Maxwell: Brazil’s President Surprises Friends and Foes

Kenneth R. Maxwell, the Council on Foreign Relations’ Director of Latin America Studies, says that Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s left-leaning president who is known as Lula, has surp…

May 14, 2003

Arms Expert Says U.S. Estimate of Iraq’s Weapons Arsenal Was ’Incorrect’

David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security and a former weapons inspector at the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), says that &#14…