2,579 Results for:

October 12, 2005

Elections and Voting
Lindsay: Successful Constitution Vote in Iraq Crucial to Bush Administration’s Iraq Policy

James M. Lindsay, the Council’s director of studies, says Iraq “has consumed the Bush foreign policy agenda,” and as a result, “for the administration, it’s important that [the October 15 constituti…

October 24, 2005

Young: UN to Pressure Syria—Short of Sanctions

Michael Young, an editor of the Beirut Daily Star and a well-known analyst on Lebanese-Syrian relations, says he hopes that the UN Security Council meeting due to take up the Mehlis Report on the ass…

August 8, 2005

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Pritchard: Latest Talks on North Korea ‘Successful’ Due to Major Changes by United States

Charles L. (Jack) Pritchard, a former top U.S. negotiator with North Korea, who quit the State Department in protest against the Bush administration’s reluctance to deal directly with North Korea, sa…

August 3, 2005

Saudi Arabia
Bronson: King Abdullah’s Ascension Seen as Important ‘Plus’ by Washington

Rachel Bronson, the Council’s top expert on Saudi Arabia, says the death of King Fahd and the ascension of Crown Prince Abdullah to the throne will be welcomed by both Saudi society and the United St…

July 27, 2005

Brown: Iraqi Leaders in Too Much of a Rush to Finish Draft Constitution

Nathan Brown, a specialist on Arab constitutions who has closely followed Iraq’s constitution-drafting process, predicts that Iraqi politicians, rushing to meet an August 15 deadline, “will have a dr…