3,329 Results for:

September 11, 2013

United States
Immigration Reform

Council on Foreign Relations 9/11/13 Academic Conference Call on Immigration Reform with Edward Alden


June 7, 2011

Yemen’s Uncertain Political Future

As Yemen lurches into increased instability with no clear successor to President Saleh. Yemen expert Bernard Haykel says the best intermediate political solution would be a national unity council unt…

March 21, 2023

Immigration and Migration
U.S. Immigration Policy, With Edward Alden

Edward Alden, the Bernard L. Schwartz senior fellow at CFR and Ross Dist Visiting Professor at Western Washington University, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the crisis at the U.S. souther…

Podcast Migrants wait near the border wall, during a protest at the Paso del Norte international bridge to request asylum in the United States, seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

December 9, 2009

Security Alliances
The U.S.-Europe Partnership

The fall of the Berlin Wall twenty years ago marked a new era in U.S.-European cooperation on global issues. Please join Philip H. Gordon to discuss the status and future of the relationship under a …


July 14, 2015

Media Call: Iran Nuclear Agreement

Iran and six nations led by the United States reached a historic agreement on July 14, 2015, that will limit Tehran's nuclear capacity for more than a decade in return for lifting international econo…
