164 Results for:

March 3, 2010

Media Conference Call: Iraq's Parliamentary Election

CFR's Meghan O'Sullivan and Brett McGurk say the fracturing of Iraqi political coalitions make the upcoming parliamentary elections more complicated as well as a possibly healthy step in the country'…


December 20, 2018

Sudden U.S. Troop Exit From Syria Would Exacerbate Regional Instability

President Trump’s order to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria could have major implications for the country, the Middle East, and broader U.S. foreign policy.

Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images

October 6, 2020

News Release
Regime Change in the Middle East Is a False Promise, Writes Philip Gordon in New CFR Book

“The iron rule of regime change in the Middle East seems to be that its costs will be higher than expected, unintended consequences will emerge, and results will leave much to be desired.” So warns P…

January 10, 2019

Syrian Civil War
The Top Conflicts to Watch in 2019: Syria

This year, the continued violent reimposition of government control in Syria was included as a top tier priority in the Center for Preventive Action’s annual Preventive Priorities Survey.

A banner depicting Syrian leader Assad.

November 25, 2015

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Is Turkey Really at the Table?

This article originally appeared here on Politico.com on Tuesday, November 24, 2015. To Westerners, it might seem that Vladimir Putin was exaggerating in anger when, after a Turkish F-16 on Tuesday …
