1,116 Results for:

July 8, 2012

In Search of a Middle East Policy

Secretary of State Clinton’s blast at Russia and China last Friday blamed them for holding up international action against the Assad regime in Syria, but surely their position on Syria was not news. …

January 24, 2019

Southeast Asia
Is the Southern Thailand Insurgency Ramping Up Again?

While Thailand has struggled toward a much-delayed election, it finally looks like the vote is going to happen on March 24. The country’s election commission announced the March 24 date earlier this …

Thai south_1.22.2018

April 11, 2018

Can Peru’s President Chart a New Path?

President Martín Vizcarra could be the man to break the thirty-year long corruption chain, but first, he must master the nearly impossible political terrain that undid his predecessor.

Martin Vizcarra speaks after being sworn in as Peru's President at the congress building in Lima, Peru, March 23, 2018.

November 23, 2015

New Argentine President Macri’s Economic Challenges

Mauricio Macri, mayor of Buenos Aires and leader of the Cambiemos coalition, won yesterday’s presidential run-off, becoming the first non-Peronist president in nearly fifteen years. From his start on…

April 3, 2019

Southeast Asia
The State of Global Democracy Today is Even Worse Than It Looks: V-Dem’s New Democracy Research

It has become accepted, among most experts on democracy, and among policymakers, that democracy worldwide is in increasing peril. This year’s Freedom in the World annual report on the state of democr…
