1,116 Results for:

July 12, 2011

Grand Strategy
U.S. Must Develop Stronger, Mature Partnership with Brazil, Says CFR Task Force

Over the course of a generation, Brazil has emerged as both a driver of growth in South America and as an active force in world politics. A new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)-sponsored Independen…

September 3, 2019

United States
Geopolitics in a Liberalizing LNG Market: A Primer

This is a guest post by Brian Myers, a graduate student at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University. While the U.S.-China trade war has cast a pall over the previous rosy outlook for g…

A liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker is tugged towards a thermal power station in Futtsu, east of Tokyo, Japan, ON November 13, 2017.

May 14, 2020

Religion and Climate Change

Mary Evelyn Tucker, senior lecturer, senior research scholar, and codirector of the Forum of Religion and Ecology at Yale University, discusses religion and climate change. Learn more about CFR's …

Play Religion and Climate Change

December 22, 2015

Climate Change
The Top Ten Stories in South Asia, 2015

Each of the past two years, I’ve done a roundup of the developments and stories that mattered the most in South Asia. In 2014, India’s historic national election and the coming together of Afghanista…


March 13, 2015

Guest Post: U.S. Interest in Tunisia’s Successful Democratic Transition

Brian Garrett-Glaser is an intern in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations. Tunisia’s transition to inclusive democracy is not a fait accompli. Despite holding success…

Tunisia GRaph