702 Results for:

February 20, 2012

TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

It is a TWE tradition to recognize the forty-three men—and they have all been men—who have been president on Presidents’ day with the following essay: A few presidents have loved the job. Teddy Roos…

President George W. Bush meets with former Presidents and President-elect Obama in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, January 2009. (Kevin Lamarque/courtesy Reuters)

February 18, 2016

Reactions to the Apple-FBI Clash in the San Bernardino Case

Much has been written in the past forty-eight hours on Apple’s refusal to comply with a federal order to assist the FBI access the encrypted contents on a iPhone 5C owned by Syed Rizwan Farook, one o…

Apple CFR Cyber Net Politics Back Doors Encryption

October 23, 2012

International Organizations
Korea Goes Global: And We Mean Security (Not Gangnam Style)

When one thinks of the world’s emerging powers, the mind is naturally drawn to large, sprawling developing countries like China, India, or Brazil. But there’s another dynamo we often overlook that’s …

South Korea's President Lee Myung-bak speaks to members of his delegation while awaiting the start of a meeting on the second day of the G20 Summit in Cannes

February 17, 2014

TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

Today is Presidents’ Day. It is a TWE tradition to recognize the forty-three men—and they have all been men—who have been president on Presidents’ Day with the following essay. If you are lucky enoug…

President George W. Bush meets with former Presidents and President-elect Obama in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, January 2009. (Kevin Lamarque/courtesy Reuters)

January 8, 2003

United States
International Financial Crises Increasingly Take Priority Over Most Traditional Security and Foreign Policy Problems, Concludes New Council on Foreign Relations Book

September 7, 2001 - What if you took seventy-five of the most experienced professionals in the fields of finance, economics, foreign policy, and national security and confronted them with two dozen p…