670 Results for:

July 26, 2018

Conflict Prevention
Preventive Engagement

Teaching Notes for Preventive Engagement, written by CFR Senior Fellow Paul Stares, in which he provides a comprehensive blueprint for how the United States can manage a more turbulent world.

Teaching Notes for Preventive Engagement by Paul B. Stares

April 9, 2020

Why Does the WHO Exclude Taiwan?

The world could learn from Taiwan’s success in responding to the coronavirus pandemic, yet it doesn’t have a seat at the World Health Organization.

October 6, 2011

Fossil Fuels
Does Expensive Oil Inevitably Cause Recession?

There is a popular belief that once U.S. petroleum expenditures exceed some threshold, recession results. Writing at the Harvard Business Review blog, Chris Nelder and Gregor MacDonald present this p…

March 5, 2008

What can not go on forever seems to be going on forever: China’s amazing January reserve growth

Let’s just say that Wang Qishan has his work cut out for him.Reuters reports that China’s reserves increased by $61.6b in January alone. That is a stunning sum. $60b is roughly the size of the US m…

September 25, 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa
U.S. Sanctions and Zimbabwe

Robert Mugabe and his ruling Zanu-PF party repeatedly assert that the collapse of Zimbabwe’s economy is the result of Western–especially American–sanctions. He repeats it enough that African public o…

Crowds cheer Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe during a rally in the capital Harare March 2, 2011.