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December 10, 2013

Politics and Government
Ten Elections to Watch in 2014

Numerous countries will hold elections in 2014. Here are ten to watch. 

Voters line up outside a polling booth during the state assembly election last week in New Delhi, India. (Ahmad Masood/Courtesy Reuters)

July 21, 2021

The Conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray Region

Michelle Gavin, senior fellow for Africa studies at CFR, discusses the conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region and pathways to a resolution. Learn more about CFR's Religion and Foreign Policy Program…

Play The Conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray Region

May 22, 2007

U.S. Trade Policy at a Crossroads: What the People Really Want

As the Doha round languishes, and free trade agreements with Peru, Columbia, Panama and South Korea wait in the wings, Congress is grappling with how to approach U.S. trade policy.  We work and live …


October 20, 2015

You Might Have Missed: Recent Academic Journal Findings III

This is the third blog post in this series. The previous two were published in February and July, and highlight earlier academic findings. Elizabeth N. Saunders, “War and the Inner Circle: Democrat…


March 22, 2007

United States
The Changing Scope of U.S. International Broadcasts

The U.S. government has boosted spending on international broadcasting since 9/11, expanding its reach to the Internet and satellite TV. But critics say these outlets have lost their focus.