670 Results for:

May 9, 2018

The Immigration Debate

T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Camille J. Mackler, and Shannon K. O'Neil, with Julia Preston moderating, discuss the immigration debate, as part of the 2018 CFR Religion and Foreign Policy Workshop.

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May 6, 2015

United States
Fostering a Government of 'Open Innovation'

Aneesh Chopra discusses how technology and innovation affect public policy.

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October 4, 2010

Evaluating Progress on the UN Millennium Development Goals

Related Readings: President Obama's Speech at the UN MDG Summit, September 2010 MDGs for Women Largely Unmet by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon Time for a Rethink by Jagdish N. Bhagwati


March 10, 2010

International Organizations
Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering

As the international community continues to work toward emissions reductions, some climate scientists are turning to the concept of geoengineering—the deliberate manipulation of the Earth’s climate—t…


October 6, 2011

HBO History Makers Series with Stanley A. McChrystal

Stanley A. McChrystal, former commander of the United States and International Security Assistance Forces Afghanistan and Joint Special Operations Command's premier military counterterrorism force, d…
