1,999 Results for:

February 10, 2006

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace

As diplomatic pressure intensifies on Iran over its nuclear program, new attention is being focused on Israel’s nuclear capabilities and the challenges its nuclear program poses for peace in the Midd…

June 6, 2013

United Kingdom
Britain's Place in Europe

Charles Kupchan and Adam Posen discuss the United Kingdom's future role in Europe and assess the ramifications of this changing relationship.


November 17, 2010

A Tenuous Deal in Iraq

Despite a walkout by political leader Ayad Allawi, the Iraq power-sharing deal can hold if Prime Minister Maliki keeps his word and if the formation of a new government stir up frictions among rival …

June 11, 2007

United States
Kupchan: Putin’s ‘Bolt from Blue’ on Missile Defense Highlight of G8 Conference

Charles A. Kupchan, CFR’s top European expert, says the just-concluded G8 conference in Germany was notable for the clear effort of Presidents Putin and Bush to put aside their sharp differences on E…

June 1, 1995

Europe and Eurasia
Nationalism and Nationalities in the New Europe

Nationalism and Nationalities in The New Europe edited by Charles A. Kupchan