3,923 Results for:

September 11, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: Charles Lindbergh’s Des Moines Speech

September 11 is a black day in American history. But six decades before the planes flew into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and crashed in a field in central Pennsylvania, it stood out as a shamefu…

Charles Lindbergh

July 11, 2014

Weekend Reading: The King of the Kurds, Sexual Violence in Egypt, and Israel’s Accidental War

Sarah Carr, writing for Mada Masr, offers an in-depth and graphic look at sexual assault and the Egyptian state. J.J. Goldberg explores the triggers to an "unintended" war in Gaza. In an intervie…


September 17, 2013

Mervyn King, Former Bank of England Governor and Chief Economist, Joins CFR as Distinguished Visiting Fellow

Mervyn King, former governor and chief economist for the Bank of England, joins the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as a distinguished visiting fellow.

August 5, 2013

Charles T. McClean: Getting Out the Youth Vote in Japan

Charles T. McClean is a Research Associate for Japan Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Japan’s future is the subject of headlines these days, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s victory in th…

Interns of the non-profit organization Dot JP celebrate the end of their two-month internships in the offices of Japanese politicians from the Kansai region September 22, 2012 (Courtesy of Dot JP's Facebook page).

August 3, 2005

Saudi Arabia
Bronson: King Abdullah’s Ascension Seen as Important ‘Plus’ by Washington

Rachel Bronson, the Council’s top expert on Saudi Arabia, says the death of King Fahd and the ascension of Crown Prince Abdullah to the throne will be welcomed by both Saudi society and the United St…