3,923 Results for:

January 23, 2013

Europe and Eurasia
Europe’s Troubled Politics

Even with signs of the euro crisis abating, Europe’s political landscape remains fraught with fracturing alliances and unresolved questions regarding national sovereignty, says CFR’s Charles Kupchan.

April 7, 2008

Kupchan: NATO Summit Shows Growing Difficulties in Reaching Solidarity in Western Alliance

Charles A. Kupchan, professor of international affairs at Georgetown University, says the just-concluded NATO summit illustrates the changes taking place in the alliance, where it will become increas…

December 6, 2023

Colonized Countries Rarely Ask for Redress Over Past Wrongs—The Reasons Can Be Complex

Few former colonies officially press perpetrator states to redress past injustices, largely due to divergent narrative within victim states about how to view past colonial history.

Members of a Namibian delegation attend a ceremony in Berlin to hand back human remains from Germany to Namibia following the 1904 to 1908 genocide against the Herero and Nama.

March 7, 2008

Kupchan: Recognizing Kosovo Least Bad Option for United States

Interview: CFR’s Charles A. Kupchan says recognizing Kosovo as independent is the best pragmatic solution from a list of bad options.

August 25, 2023

The President’s Inbox Recap: Israeli-Saudi Peace Deal

A peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia could help stabilize the region.

US President Joe Biden stands to the left of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as they gather to take a photo with their nations' flags.

February 23, 2015

Economic Winners and Losers in the Oil Price Plunge

Charles Collyns, James Stock, and Mark Zandi join Bianna Golodryga, to exchange views on the recent oil price plunge.

Play Oil_Symposium_Session-Two.jpg