2,904 Results for:

July 14, 2022

How Should U.S. Cybersecurity Policy Develop?

The United States needs to improve its cybersecurity policy by preventing states from harboring cybercriminals, declaring norms against targeting financial and election systems, and expanding its use…

General Paul Nakasone stands in his dress uniform with his right hand raised in front of a dark background.

February 28, 2003

Kupchan Predicts Widening Split in Western Alliance, Foresees France Veto in Security Council to Block U.S.

Charles Kupchan, the Council on Foreign Relations’ director of Europe Studies, says the divisions over Iraq that have split the Western alliance will only deepen. He says that if the United Sta…

November 2, 2018

Dozens Reportedly Killed as Nigerian Military Fires on Shia Protesters

Between October 27 and 30, protesters from the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), a Shia religious organization led by the pro-Iranian Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky, clashed with security services in and around Abuja, Nigeria’s capital. The IMN reported that Nigerian security services had killed at least forty of its members during the marches.


April 14, 2010

Is China a Currency Manipulator?

Six experts debate whether the Obama administration’s approach to China’s currency policy is the right one, and why.

December 16, 2011

Politics and Government
Friday File: More GOP Iran Tough Talk

Republican presidential candidates participate in a Republican presidential debate in Sioux City, Iowa, on December 15, 2011.(Pool/courtesy Reuters) Above the Fold. Iran was the obligatory foreign p…

Republican presidential candidates (L-R), former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman participate in a Republican presidential debate in Sioux City, Iowa, December 15, 2011.