3,079 Results for:

January 30, 2019

Foreign Affairs January/February Issue Launch: Who Will Run the World? America, China, and Global Order

With the potential shifting global balance of power from the United States to China, the latest issue of Foreign Affairs focuses on how the troubled hegemon and the confident challenger are trying to…

Play Foreign Affairs January/February Issue Launch: Who Will Run the World? America, China, and Global Order

April 5, 2023

Sub-Saharan Africa
It Matters How We Define the African Diaspora

The explicit incorporation of the African diaspora into U.S.-Africa policy risks segmenting the community into old and new, with important domestic and international consequences.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris walks down a stone path outside of the Cape Coast slave castle, which is built from white stone.

March 7, 2023

The Lagos-New York-London Echo Chamber

Desperate to will a preferred candidate to victory, Western journalists fell into a tunnel vision on Nigerian politics.

A pile of newspapers in Nigeria with various topics related to the recent elections are shown.

August 31, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa
Codel to West Africa

With the exception of U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Halley, the Trump administration has shown little interest in Africa. It has been very slow to make Africa-related appointments: there is still n…
