3,079 Results for:

December 17, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
Arab Dignity Is Real. So Is Arab Failure.

Ten years after the start of the Arab Spring, it’s time to accept that the revolution may never return.

June 1, 2022

Deal or No Deal: Update on Iran’s Nuclear Program

Our panelists discussed the Biden administration’s ongoing negotiations to rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) following the Trump administration’s 2018 withdrawal, and the role of …

Play Image of Iranian flag outside of Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant

December 13, 2016

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Violence for Violence’s Sake

The perpetrators of the attacks this weekend in Egypt and in Turkey murdered people because that is what they do.


June 19, 2015

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has emerged as one of the most dangerous al-Qaeda affiliates, strengthening amid political unrest in Yemen. 

Jalal Belaidi, also known as Abu Hamza, leader of Ansar al-Sharia.

September 9, 2009

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics: The Great Inflation Debate

Watch Charles L. Evans, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, analyze the inflationary and deflationary pressures on the financial system today.
