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May 11, 2023

Syria Is Normalizing Relations With Arab Countries. Who Will Benefit?

The Assad regime and Arab capitals will reap the greatest rewards, but ordinary citizens and certain foreign governments involved in Syria’s war have less to gain.

January 13, 2021

Radicalization and Extremism
From Separatism to Salafism: Militancy on the Swahili Coast

Nolan Quinn is a research associate for the Council on Foreign Relations’ Africa Program. The revelation that a Kenyan member of al-Shabab was charged with planning a 9/11-style attack on the Unit…

A group of Muslim youth are seen protesting the killing of a radical Kenyan imam, Aboud Rogo Mohammed. Several are wearing Islamic dress while others are wearing everyday clothing.

April 16, 2021

Yoruba Debate "Restructuring" of Nigeria or "Autonomy"

Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland Gani Adams, in a speech at a book launch in Lagos on April 14 said that the Yoruba people have "graduated from restructuring to self-determination." He continued by saying that Nigeria is dominated by a "main powerful bloc."

A picture of the Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland, Gani Adams, being interviewed. A collection of microphones have been thrust by reporters in front of him.

August 14, 2018

Osinbajo Remains Buhari's Running Mate for Nigerian Election

Domestic and international observers generally see Osinbajo as highly competent and his tenure as vice president a success. The Lagos business community, highly critical of Buhari’s economic policies, will welcome the prospect that Osinbajo will continue as vice president. He has been generally lauded for his role as acting president during Buhari's absences, most recently for his handling of a blockade of the national assembly by certain members of the security services. 
