2,518 Results for:

December 14, 2017

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Abbas and Jerusalem

The reaction to President Trump's decision on Jerusalem has varied widely in the Arab world. For example, the Saudi reaction has been moderate. It is well described by Rob Satloff in a report on his …

May 17, 2019

Burkina Faso
Islamist Violence in Burkina Faso Following Familiar Pattern

Islamist terrorist groups in northeast Burkina Faso are following a strategy of violence reminiscent in some ways of Boko Haram’s early days in Nigeria. The groups are attacking Protestant and Catholic churches, killing pastors, priests, and congregants, and also teachers in secular schools.


March 22, 2023

Peter Obi and a Dream Deferred

Peter Obi may have lost the Nigerian presidential election, but he and the movement he leads may yet win the political war.

Supporters of Labour Party candidate Peter Obi surround and stand atop of a yellow truck. One man is pictured carrying the Nigerian flag.

April 11, 2013

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Egypt, Syria, and Iran

Significant Developments Egypt. An Egyptian Coptic Christian died today from injuries sustained during sectarian violence over the past week, bringing the total number of deaths to eight. Violence e…

Coptic Christians run inside the main cathedral in Cairo as police fire tear gas and Muslims throw rocks and firebombs April 7, 2013 (Waguih/Courtesy Reuters)..

August 3, 2021

What’s Behind Growing Separatism in Nigeria?

The resurgence of separatism in Nigeria—a consequence of the federal government’s failure to provide security in the face of multiple threats—is stirring memories of the country’s deadly civil war.

A Nigerian soldier rides in a truck with a whistle in his mouth during a military patrol in a pro-Biafra zone in the southeastern city of Aba.