905 Results for:

July 31, 2012

Silver Linings in China’s Slowdown

China’s global investment boom is slowing, which could affect its trading partners. But its economy does not have to be doomed to slow growth, says expert Patrick Chovanec.

July 12, 2012

Europe and Eurasia
Can Banking Plan Aid Eurozone?

A proposed centralized banking supervisor could help stabilize Europe’s struggling banks and increase vital capital flows within the euro area, says expert Domenico Lombardi.

June 27, 2012

Europe and Eurasia
Weighing an EU Banking Union

EU approval of a new proposal for a banking and fiscal union would help reassure global financial markets and alleviate the eurozone debt crisis, says Bruegel’s Benedicta Marzinotto.

June 20, 2012

Economic Crises
Did the G20 Help the Eurozone?

G20 members meeting in Mexico won a commitment on banking sector integration despite limited influence on eurozone politics, says expert Jacob Funk Kirkegaard.