905 Results for:

March 13, 2007

The Difficulties of Counting Iraq’s War Dead

No definitive estimate exists on the number of Iraqi civilians who have died from violence, largely because of the politically charged nature of the war.

March 20, 2012

Can China Change?

China faces growing internal and external calls for economic and political reforms. Expert Minxin Pei looks at the political transition under way and discusses prospects for change.

September 16, 2011

United States
How to Revive U.S. Trade Policy

The U.S. needs to revitalize trade policy and spur foreign investment in this country--timely ingredients for a job-creating economic resurgence, says former senator Thomas Daschle, co-chair of a new…

September 1, 2011

United States
How to Invest in U.S. Employment

After a dismal new U.S. labor report, job growth is set to dominate debate in Washington, with anxious global investors watching. Economist Gary Burtless says the best policy formula involves inve…

August 18, 2011

Economic Crises
Reviving U.S. Economic Leadership

Amid fears of another global recession, investors are focused on U.S. policymakers. Restoring confidence in the world’s largest economy will require both national sacrifice and innovation--not more F…