905 Results for:

August 11, 2011

Calling for an EU Federal Budget

The European sovereign debt crisis is compounded by a faltering U.S. economy, making the implementation of an EU-wide federal budget and coordination of nation-state budgets necessary to preserve the…

July 18, 2007

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Romberg: North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Key Issue to Be Resolved

Alan D. Romberg, a longtime State Department expert on North Korea, says an important element in the agreement on Pyongyang halting its nuclear activities is the future of nuclear weapons already pro…

August 3, 2011

United States
A Bullish View on U.S. Treasuries

Despite global market fears of a U.S. credit downgrade, U.S. treasuries will remain the safest bet for international investors, says global economics expert Kent Hughes.

July 20, 2011

Political Ripples of EU’s Sovereign Debt Crisis

Eurozone leaders meeting for tomorrow’s summit are unnecessarily worried about contagion to Italy, but a growing sovereign debt crisis highlights the role of politics in the markets and the need to f…

June 10, 2011

Weighing a Second Greek Bailout

Greece will undoubtedly receive a second bailout from the EU and IMF. But expert Daniel Gros says it remains to be seen whether default is inevitable and if banks and other private bondholders will a…