3,820 Results for:

December 9, 2022

2022 in Review
Visualizing 2023: Trends to Watch

Using charts, CFR experts track developments that could shape the year ahead.

December 20, 2022

Global Governance
Another Year of Living Dangerously

In 2022, several colossal events dominated the headlines, most prominently the war in Ukraine and the worldwide inflation that it helped spark. But beyond Ukraine, events with global implications con…

Podcast Variety of newspapers at a stand.

March 15, 2023

Center for Preventive Action
2023: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

The world is entering a new era of great-power competition. As U.S. policymakers look ahead, it pays to know what global threats to anticipate. Every January, the Council on Foreign Relations publish…

Podcast American soldier examines crashed missile.

January 31, 2024

Academic Webinar: China-Russia Relations

Thomas Graham, distinguished fellow at CFR, and Zongyuan Zoe Liu, Maurice R. Greenberg fellow for China studies at CFR, lead the conversation on China-Russia relations. FASKIANOS: Welcome to today…

Play Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping shaking hands.

November 30, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Covering the Israel-Hamas War: A View From Journalists

Journalists who have lived and reported extensively from the Middle East share their insights and perspectives on covering the Israel-Hamas war.

Play Press and children walk inside Al-Aqsa hospital