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June 13, 2019

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Escalating Ebola Crisis in the DRC

An outbreak in the DRC has spread to neighboring Uganda, and conflict and mistrust of health workers is impeding international efforts to contain the disease.

A health worker puts on personal protective equipment before entering the red zone of an Ebola treatment center, where he will check up on patients in Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo.

November 13, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Burundi’s Political Divide

This is a guest post by Claire Wilmot, a former intern for the Council on Foreign Relations Africa Program. She is a master of global affairs candidate at the University of Toronto. You can follow he…

Burundi President

November 15, 2019

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
The End of Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are facing an existential crisis less than a century after their introduction. Increased bacterial resistance is putting the world at risk of an era in which routine infections are untreatable.

Amy Spoering, Director of Biological Research at the biotech NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals, holds up a sample of the bacterium Eleftheria terrae, the basis for the promising new antibiotic Teixobactin, at NovoBiotic's labs in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

June 15, 2018

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Cobalt Boom

Demand has skyrocketed for cobalt, focusing attention on its complex and controversial supply chain. The mineral is an important component in lithium-ion batteries, which power everything from electric cars to smartphones.

A man digs through some mine waste searching for leftover cobalt.

April 3, 2019

The Controversy Over U.S. Strikes in Somalia

The United States has been helping Somalia fight al-Shabab militants for more than a decade, but rights groups say increasing drone strikes are putting civilians at risk.

Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack near the presidential palace in Mogadishu.