278 Results for:

January 10, 2020

Election 2020
Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: Elizabeth Warren Endorses the USMCA

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential challengers are saying about foreign policy. This week: Elizabeth Warren says she will vote for NAFTA’s replacement, the candidates tout Congress’s war po…

Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks to a crowd in Davenport, Iowa, on January 5. Daniel Acker/Reuters

June 4, 2020

Immigration and Migration
Immigration and Border Policy

Theresa Cardinal Brown, director of immigration and cross-border policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center, discusses the status of immigration and border policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Julián Agu…

Play A group of migrants walk past plowed farmland after crossing into the United States from Mexico, as they make their way towards a gap in the border wall to surrender to US border patrol, near Penitas, Texas, U.S., January 10, 2019.

September 10, 2019

Election 2020
The 2020 Presidential Candidates: In Their Own Words

The Democratic and Republican presidential contenders have begun defining their approach to major foreign policy issues as they jockey for position in their parties’ primaries.

The Presidential Seal

November 9, 2018

Selling U.S. China Policy

Vice President Mike Pence’s October 4 speech on China, which many commentators have referred to as the administration’s defining China moment, was a leaden litany of Chinese vices and a hyped-up asse…

US-China meeting

January 30, 2006

Emerging Markets
It is hard to bet on curve flattening when the curve is already flat

Or spread compression when spreads have already compressed. As David Altig kindly noted, I was quoted in Clint Riley's Wall Street Journal story about the impact of a flat yield curve on bank earning…