1,594 Results for:

March 27, 2023

Iraq War
Lessons From History Series: The U.S. Invasion of Iraq—Twenty Years Later

Panelists discuss lessons learned from the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, including the circumstances that led to Operation Iraqi Freedom and whether it was a necessary war, as well as the ramifications…

Play Residents look at a U.S. soldier from 1/8 Infantry Battalion as they undertake a foot patrol looking for militants, explosives and weapons in a neighborhood in Mosul

July 16, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Secretary Clinton Visits Israel

Secretary of State Clinton is in Israel today, which is a surprising fact. According to several news sites, she has not visited there in two years. Secretary Condoleezza Rice visited there about 20 …

Secretary Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu

August 8, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Yasser Arafat International Airport

To those unfamiliar with the term, "Yasser Arafat International Airport" must seem like the punch line to some joke about international terrorism. Yet it existed in Gaza, briefly, and President Clin…

October 6, 2011

HBO History Makers Series with Stanley McChrystal

The Home Box Office History Makers Series focuses particular attention on the contributions made by a prominent individual at a critical juncture in international relations. Recent speakers in the se…


September 4, 2014

The World Next Week: September 4, 2014

U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice visits China; the U.S. marks the anniversary of 9/11; and Congress returns from summer recess.
