37 Results for:

December 5, 2017

Zimbabwe Cabinet Appointments Disappoint

Friends of Zimbabwe hoped that President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s cabinet appointments would signal a shift away from the tyranny of deposed president Robert Mugabe. Instead, Mnangagwa’s appointments have signaled continuity, not change.


August 6, 2009

Sub-Saharan Africa
Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa

Countries in sub-Saharan Africa lose billions of dollars each year through corruption, say analysts. Local and international efforts to reform governance have been inconsistent.

October 20, 2009

Capital Flows
Global Economic Trends: The Business of Aid

The private sector is recognized as the engine of economic growth, and growth is recognized as a key condition for poverty alleviation. But effectively promoting private investment in the developing …


October 20, 2009

Global Economic Trends: The Business of Aid

Watch experts break down the relationship between foreign aid and local business in the developing world.
