3,592 Results for:

July 2, 2010

Responding to Andrew Chamberlain

Andrew Chamberlain has responded at length in two blog posts to my critique of his study of Kerry-Lieberman for the Institute for Energy Research. He gives some useful examples of how utilities might…

February 12, 2015

Fossil Fuels
A Must Read New Book on Oil, Finance, and Economic History

In 1863, with the first American oil boom “at full tilt”, Andrew Carnegie had an epiphany: the world would soon run out of oil. He and a partner “decided to dig an enormous hole, capable of holding 1…

Market Madness

November 26, 2012

Climate Change
A Transitional Climate Summit in Doha

The UN climate meeting could show progress on outstanding issues from previous rounds, but negotiators are focused on modest steps forward rather than major breakthroughs, says CFR’s Michael Levi.

December 16, 2010

An Important Report on Energy RD&D

Now that Cancun is done, it’s time to start thinking hard again about the nitty-gritty of low-carbon development. Harvard’s Energy Technology Innovation Program (ETIP) has a big new report (along w…

An Important Report on Energy RD&D

December 8, 2010

Solving Kyoto in Cancun

This past April, when I launched this blog, my first public post was titled “Kyoto and Zombies”. As I sit at the Cancun climate talks writing my hundredth one, it’s hard not to marvel at how far we h…

Solving Kyoto in Cancun