3,592 Results for:

November 28, 2011

International Organizations
Durban’s UN Climate Stakes

Delegates at climate talks underway in South Africa would be better off addressing matters such as a global climate fund rather than trying to preserve the contentious Kyoto Protocol, says CFR’s Mich…

June 9, 2010

Tune in for a Climate "Non-Debate" with Joe Romm

I’m in LA for an all-day climate forum sponsored by Marketplace. The agenda looks great. The event will be streamed online. I’m up at 11:30 AM PDT. Here’s their description: Panel 2: Finding the Po…

November 20, 2008

Climate Change
A Changed Prognosis for Climate Change Policy

CFR Senior Fellow Michael Levi writes that the financial crisis will affect U.S. near-term efforts to deal with energy security and climate change.

April 23, 2010

Fossil Fuels
In Memoriam: The "Linked Fee"

Oh, “linked fee”, we hardly knew you. For the last few months, conventional wisdom held that the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham climate bill, due out next Monday, would tackle emissions from transportation i…

July 8, 2010

Energy and Climate Policy
How Much Would Utility-Only Cap-and-Trade Cost?

Bryan Walsh, over at TIME, has a solid post on the cost of cap-and-trade, noting that the Congressional Budget Office has found that Kerry-Lieberman would shave $19 billion dollars off the deficit. A…

June 13, 2024

China’s Stockpiling and Mobilization Measures for Competition and Conflict

Hearing co-chairs Commissioner Cliff Sims and Vice Chair Reva Price, Commission members, and staff, thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. I commend the Commission for calling a h…

Zongyuan Zoe Liu testifies before the USCC on China's self-sufficiency, stockpiling, and sanctions preparedness