3,592 Results for:

October 22, 2012

Five Reasons to Talk Energy and Climate at the Foreign Policy Debate

The moderator of tonight’s foreign policy debate has released a list of the topics he will focus on, and neither energy nor climate are there. This has, not surprisingly, not gone unnoticed. Indeed o…

August 27, 2012

Fossil Fuels
How to Stop Natural Gas Exports

The ongoing debate over whether to allow liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports has featured a recurrent theme: people insist that the gas would be better used within the United States. “We will go down…

March 28, 2024

What Is Canada’s Immigration Policy?

With its comparatively open and well-regulated immigration system, Canada remains a top destination for immigrants and refugees.

New Canadians wave the national flag during a citizenship ceremony in Toronto.

November 18, 2010

Climate Change
Reinforcing Climate Promises in Cancun

Key technical, political, and legal issues remain unresolved ahead of the UN climate talks in Cancun. CFR’s Michael Levi says the best outcome would be to firm up the Copenhagen Accord commitments on…

January 31, 2012

Will China and India Undermine Sanctions Against Iran?

If analysts and reporters know one thing about sanctions, it’s that if you don’t have complete international cooperation, they don’t work. That instinct has been on full display in recent discussions…