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March 8, 2011

Fossil Fuels
(Some) Speculators Are People Too

Here’s an iron rule of oil politics: when gasoline prices go up, calls to crack down on speculators increase alongside them. The current situation is no exception. Some who are calling for an SPR rel…

November 6, 2011

Climate Change
Missing The Big Picture on Keystone XL

I’ve clearly failed in my previously stated goal of largely avoiding the debate over the Keystone XL pipeline, which has somehow become one of the biggest energy issues in the United States. So long …

October 29, 2015

Fossil Fuels
Automobile Fuel Economy Standards in a Lower-Oil-Price World

Overview Corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards, which require automakers to achieve government-mandated targets for the efficiency of the vehicles they sell each year, can reduce U.S. re…

Automobile Fuel Economy Standards in a Lower-Oil-Price World header

October 17, 2011

Monetary Policy
Can Monetary Policy Mitigate The Effects of Oil Shocks? A Follow-Up

I wrote a week ago about an old paper by Bernanke, Gertler, and Watson (BGW) that attributed much of the impact of past oil price shocks to the response of monetary policy. Jim Hamilton followed up t…

September 29, 2015

Can Deforestation be Stopped?

Why has Brazil slashed deforestation over the last decade while Indonesian deforestation has accelerated? The two countries lead the world in deforestation, which, after energy use, is the top source…
