3,592 Results for:

November 30, 2010

India Steps Up At Cancun

India is one of the more inscrutable players on the global stage. Four years ago, when I was still spending most of my time thinking about nuclear security, I marveled at how much difficulty they had…

November 22, 2010

A Hint of What’s in Store at Cancun

We’re now a week away from the start of the Cancun climate talks. Two big questions looming over the negotiations have been how China will address the question of transparency – it agreed last year t…

March 21, 2011

Markets vs Governments in Energy Policy

I started reading Dani Rodrik’s engaging new book, The Globalization Paradox, last week. Rodrik makes his core point early and often: Too many policymakers and economists assume that markets and gove…

July 22, 2010

New Maneuvers in the Climate Talks

The Times of India reports this morning that the next climate strategy meeting of the BASIC countries (Brazil, South Africa, India, and China) will include “participation from smaller countries such …

July 1, 2010

How Much Oil Will China Consume?

Steven Kopits has a new guest post at Econbrowser, and once again, it’s getting some attention. Last time, he argued that the EIA had embraced peak oil. (I rebutted it here.) This time, he’s arguing …

How Much Oil Will China Consume?