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February 22, 2011

Fossil Fuels
Managing Oil Crises

In an essay in tomorrow’s FT, I argue that ongoing oil market turmoil ought to remind us that energy policy shouldn’t just be about long-term strategy; short-term dynamics matter too. Most advocates …

January 18, 2011

Why Don’t States Cooperate More on Energy and Climate?

I spent Friday and Saturday at an excellent (largely academic) workshop on international institutions and global governance. In our discussions about why states do and don’t cooperate, I was struck b…

December 21, 2010

Fun With Energy and Climate Ngrams

If you haven’t seen Google’s new "Ngram Viewer", you’re missing out. The tool allows you to see how often any word shows up within Google’s massive database of books, and to graph how that evolves ov…

Fun With Energy and Climate Ngrams

December 10, 2010

Should the Climate Talks be Focused on Technology?

The Cancun climate talks aren’t over yet, but Andy Revkin already has something of a post-mortem up at the Times. In his though-provoking post, he muses over whether we’d have been better off with …

Should the Climate Talks be Focused on Technology?

August 6, 2015

Fossil Fuels
Guest Post: Cleaning Up the Mess at the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation

This was originally posted by my colleague John Campbell on his Africa in Transition blog. John was formerly U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria and is currently the Ralph Bunche senior fellow at the Council …

Nigeria blog photo