3,592 Results for:

May 30, 2014

How Will China Clean its Air?

“I’ve been working my whole life on climate change. And now, because of policies to fight local air pollution, Chinese carbon emissions will peak and begin to decline in less than ten years, and our …


May 14, 2014

Is China Really More Economically Powerful than the United States?

A couple weeks ago the World Bank reported that the Chinese economy would pass the U.S. one by the end of this year. This led to rather breathless headlines from normally more sober observers (FT: Ch…

February 13, 2014

Is China’s Resource Strategy Changing Radically?

“China’s leading think tank has outlined a revamped energy strategy,” Xinhua reports today, highlighting a long article published yesterday in People’s Daily. This comes on the heels of a wonderfully…


January 22, 2014

Europe and Eurasia
Is Europe’s Renewables Mandate Bad for the Environment?

Rob Stavins has a provocative post up at his (excellent) blog arguing that European renewables mandates are bad for the environment. Much of it makes good sense – but I suspect that it goes too far. …

December 19, 2013

Energy Risks in 2014

Where will the world’s flash points be in 2014? My colleague Paul Stares does an annual survey to provide insight. The Preventive Priorities Survey 2014, based on a questionnaire sent to more than 1,…
