3,592 Results for:

November 7, 2012

Climate Change
Two Paths Forward on Climate Change

The past week has been huge for people who want to see the United States go big on climate change. First Hurricane Sandy vaulted climate change back into the public debate. Now the reelection of Bara…

August 8, 2012

Why the Iran Oil Sanctions Are Biting

Last week the Obama administration tightened its oil-related sanctions against Iran. This was followed by new congressional legislation that promises to extend those sanctions further. Yet less than …

April 22, 2016

Climate Change
What Comes After the Paris Climate Agreement?

More than one hundred leaders are in New York today to sign the Paris climate agreement. CFR.org interviewed me on the agreement, what’s happened since it was signed, and where multilateral climate e…

June 20, 2012

Fossil Fuels
The Odd Politics of Drilling on Public Lands

I’m in Ohio this week talking to people about the Utica shale boom. I’ll have more to say later, but right now, I want to share an interesting bit of one conversation I had yesterday. I was talking …

April 19, 2016

Climate Change
Liberal Bias and Climate Science

Eduardo Porter has a column in the New York Times today arguing that “Liberal Biases, Too, May Block Progress on Climate Change”. (Yes, that’s a headline that he didn’t write, but it’s a good summary…
