3,592 Results for:

December 2, 2010

Misunderstanding High-Tech Trade

While the climate talks continue in Cancun, the most important developments in climate policy are still happening at the national level. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu gave a speech on Monday argu…

Misunderstanding High-Tech Trade

November 24, 2010

Climate Change
Could the U.S. Walk Out at Cancun?

The buzz around the Cancun climate talks is that progress is possible on a range of issues, including things like technology centers, support for avoided deforestation, and a financial mechanism for …

August 3, 2015

Climate Change
Five Takeaways on the EPA’s Clean Power Plan

The final version of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan (his carbon dioxide regulations for new and existing power plants) will be released later today by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). M…


November 1, 2010

Vacation Reading

It’s time for another installment of holiday reading. What holiday, you say? Mine. Yep, I’ve been away since last Thursday, and you haven’t even noticed. (I’ll be back this Thursday.) But as my absen…

October 26, 2010

In India, A Reality Check

When I visited India in January, I came away deeply uncomfortable about any international climate change effort that pushes India to do more than what is already in its self-interest. On my visit las…