3,592 Results for:

August 12, 2010

Trust and Climate Diplomacy

I was writing up some notes last week from a trip to India earlier this year when I came upon this from an interview with a senior official: “No negotiator believes that the U.S. goal is to address …

July 23, 2010

Climate Change
Hard Times Ahead for US Climate Diplomacy

I have a short piece up at CFR.org on the international implications of the climate bill collapse. Here’s the conclusion: "The United States spent the better part of the last decade being pilloried …

June 10, 2015

G7 (Group of Seven)
What Matters (And What Doesn’t) in the G7 Climate Declaration

The G7 leaders concluded their annual summit yesterday with a declaration that put climate change front and center. As with all G7 communiqués, most of the content reaffirms steps that the leaders ha…

G7 Leaders

July 7, 2010

Does Yingli Solar Really Belong at the World Cup?

Yingli Solar, the Chinese rooftop solar photovoltaic company, has been making waves with its prominent sponsorship of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The Times picked up the story yesterday, quoting a Yingl…

June 28, 2010

The Real G20 Subsidies News

The G20, in its final communique (PDF), reaffirmed its agreement of last September (PDF) to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies in the “medium term”. Much is being written about how the Obama…