3,592 Results for:

April 21, 2010

Does cleantech IP matter?

Slate has a provocative pair of stories on climate change and intellectual property. One of them seems to completely miss the point; the other has some good insights but then takes things way too far…

April 14, 2010

Chinese energy statistics, take two

Several commenters have thoughtful responses to my attempt to reconcile China’s claim that it’s cut its energy intensity by 14.38% since 2005 with the underlying GDP and energy consumption statistics…

April 11, 2010

Chinese renewables aren’t growing faster than coal

There’s a bunch of buzz about a CleanTechnica analysis claiming to show that “Renewable Energy [is] Now Growing Faster than Coal in China”. I wish the analysis were right. But if you dig into the und…

April 8, 2010

Nuclear Odds and Ends

Those of you who know me may know that I spend a lot of time thinking not just about energy and climate but about nuclear security issues too. And it’s a big couple weeks for that. If you’re interest…

April 7, 2010

Making Sense of China’s Energy Intensity Statistics

Stephen Howes (via Roger Pielke) takes a look at recent Chinese statistics and calls recent Chinese claims to have cut energy intensity by 14.38% from 2005 to 2009 into question. I’ll be the last pe…