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April 30, 2008

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Abbas-Olmert Talks a ’First’ in Mideast Diplomacy

Contrary to many analysts of the Middle East, Aaron David Miller, who has served as a Middle East negotiator for presidents of both parties, sees reason for optimism in the current process.

May 29, 2008

Iran Needs to Come Clean on Nuclear Military Plans

David Albright, a leading expert on Iranian nuclear issues, says the deteriorating Iranian nuclear situation argues for the Bush administration to change course on Iran and seek direct talks.

April 9, 2010

Miscalculations in U.S. Afghan Offensive

A pending American military offensive in southern Afghanistan is buoying hopes for a return to government control, but New York Times reporter David Rohde says success could be short-lived.

December 5, 2014

You Might Have Missed: Drones, Blowback, and Intelligence Briefings

Department of Defense Press Briefing by Rear Adm. Kirby in the Pentagon Briefing Room, U.S. Department of Defense, December 2, 2014. Q: Will the 9,800 remaining troops have a combat role or not? RE…

December 31, 1969

Evolution of the IMF in the Global Financial System

David Lipton discusses the evolution of the IMF in the global financial system.
