227 Results for:

August 5, 2010

Defusing Lebanon’s Powder Keg

Lebanon faces new sectarian violence, and tensions along its border with Israel threaten to boil over. CFR’s Mohamad Bazzi says to help avert conflict, Washington must eventually engage with the most…

May 5, 2010

United States
Poised for a British-U.S. Realignment

A troubled economy and competing interests mean Britain’s general elections tomorrow could create a "hinge moment" in the U.S.-UK relationship, says Robin Niblett of Chatham House.

March 9, 2010

Disengaging From Somalia

Instead of fighting jihad in Somalia by supporting the weak transitional government, the United States would have more success focusing on humanitarian aid and development, says democracy and governa…

February 17, 2010

U.S.-China: Dalai Lama Drama

Tensions over the first visit of the Dalai Lama to the Obama White House indicate China’s mounting domestic concerns even as it exercises growing global clout, says Tibet expert Robert Barnett.

July 12, 2017

China in Africa

China has become Africa’s largest trade partner and has greatly expanded its economic ties to the continent, but its growing activities there have raised questions about its noninterference policy.  …

Workers from China and Burkina Faso employed by Sinohydro standing on back of truck driven by chinese workers.

July 12, 2013

Military Operations
You Might Have Missed: Syria Aid, Drones in Africa, and the Bin Laden Raid

Quinnipiac University, “American Voters Say 2-1 Stay Out Of Syria, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Drop In Foreign Policy Approval Keeps Obama Score Low,” July 11, 2013. Eric Schmit…

You Might Have Missed: Syria Aid, Drones in Africa, and the Bin Laden Raid