802 Results for:

June 28, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Campaign 2012 Series: A Conversation with Tim Pawlenty

Governor Pawlenty will give a foreign policy address concerning the Arab Spring and recent decisions concerning U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. *Seating is limited


June 28, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Video Brief: A Conversation with Tim Pawlenty

Tim Pawlenty, candidate for the 2012 republican presidential nomination, asserts the need for strong U.S. leadership in the Middle East during this time of transition.


October 26, 2017

Public Perspectives Toward Democracy

Panelists discuss global public opinion towards democracy amid the rise of populists and autocrats, and the implications for the future of democracy and U.S. foreign policy.

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November 12, 2010

U.S. Strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan : Report of a CFR-Sponsored Independent Task Force

Experts assess U.S. objectives, strategy, and policy options in Pakistan and Afghanistan; recommendations include a long-term partnership with Pakistan, calls for a new approach to Afghan political r…


November 13, 2014

United States
ISIS, Cyberattacks, and Other Threats to Homeland Security

Michael McCaul, chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security in the U.S. House of Representatives, joins Jane Holl Lute, president and chief executive officer at the Council on CyberSecurity, to di…
