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August 8, 2019

Is China Manipulating Its Currency?

The Trump administration has declared China a currency manipulator, but what that means for the ongoing trade war is far from clear.

November 16, 2022

'How China Is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty': A Review

In Trafficking Data: How China is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty, Aynne Kokas examines the United States and China's discordant regulatory approaches to digital data.  

A blue poster shows a mobile phone.

August 13, 2019

On Designating China as a Currency Manipulator…

China really did manipulate its currency before the global crisis.  It really doesn't do so now.   But how China's manages its currency still matters for the global economy.

On Designating China as a Currency Manipulator…

July 23, 2018

China’s Currency Is Back in Play

China's currency is getting awfully close to some key levels, levels where in the past China has resisted further depreciation. The signals China sends from here on will be critical.

China’s Currency Is Back in Play

March 21, 2022

Technology and Innovation
The Promise of Digital Activism—and Its Dangers

Social media can be a powerful tool for digital activists—and for the governments trying to silence them.  

People hold up lit up phones during a protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, at Trafalgar Square in London, Britain on March 4, 2022.