80 Results for:

February 8, 2008

The French Military in Africa

France has been reviewing its military doctrine in Africa, with a new emphasis on multilateralism. But events in Chad suggest unilateral action remains on the table.

July 24, 2003

Feinstein: New U.N. Peacekeeping Resolution Needed

Lee Feinstein, the Council on Foreign Relations’ deputy director of studies and director of strategic policy, says Washington should trade firm financial and troop commitments from other nation…

April 23, 2007

Elections and Voting
Kupchan: Sarkozy ‘In Pretty Good Shape’ to Win French Election

Charles A. Kupchan, CFR’s top Europe expert, says Nicolas Sarkozy “is in pretty good shape” for the presidential runoff and it remains to be seen if Royal can cut substantially into the centrist vote…

September 29, 2022

Gender Equality and Amplifying Women's Voices

Ann Norris, senior fellow for women and foreign policy at CFR, along with Meredith Martino, executive director of Women in Government, discuss women’s rights efforts and amplifying female voices in g…

Play Image of Crowd at Global Citizen Festival

March 9, 2010

Monetary Policy
The Stimulus Report Card

The Obama administration says its 2009 stimulus package saved jobs and boosted growth, but Republicans and some economists worry it dampened consumer and business spending and added to long-term debt.